Start a Real-Time Business Connection with Millions of Members Worldwide! considers that business communication must be always fast and efficient between its Members.
Total Live Green Chat is an internal communication service tool provided by, which can be used by Standard and/or Premium Members to connect each other inside the platform.
Once you become a Standard/Premium Total Green Member you can text in real time, send/receive chat messages. All text chat messages are stored in your own account even you are offline. will always notify you by email every 24 hours about this matter !
1.Log in to your Account using Username and Password (see Eg.1)
2.Once you are logged into your Standard and/or Premium Account and click on Contact Supplier to other Free/Standard/Premium Members, the Total Green Live Chat green box will appear. ( see Eg. 2 & Eg.3 )
3.To start a real time text chat conversation or send messages to other Members just cick on the text " Total Green Live Chat " appeared in the green box, so you can Type Message to other registered Members.(see Eg.4)